TBN EXPOSED - A Case For The Truth

Who's Who
Brittany Koper
Brittany Koper - Update
Sylvia's novel
Who's Who
Paul Crouch, Sr.
The FBI knows
Jan Crouch
Paul Crouch, Jr.
Matthew Crouch
Gen8 Entertainment
John Casoria
Kelly Whitmore
Lance Charles
Pearl Jane Duff
Ward vs TBN
Fleener vs TBN (a timeline)
Barton Green
Stephen Blinn
Mark N. Troobnick

List of Players and the role they played.


Persons who are named on this website

Belknap-Dodd - Jimmi, former property manager at Hendersonville, TN. for TBN. Filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against TBN. Issue was ministerial licenses issued by TBN to yard men and maintenance workers to avoid payroll taxes. Settled out of court.

Blinn - Stephen; writer, director, marketing manager, stepped in to help Matthew with The Omega Code movie. He remains with Gener8Xion Entertainment, and has filled various roles through several other Gen8 productions.

Brewer - Rene, TBN employee, returned the phone message left with Hendersonville switchboard when Sylvia first inquired about the Omega Code movie. Later she penned a memo to Terrance Hickey concerning this call. Some months later she reported finding Sylvia’s manuscript in the sound studio of Laverne Tripp at the Hendersonville facility (see Cecilia Pannell).

Brown - A. Allan, (deceased) brother-in-law to Paul Crouch, Sr., a long-time employee of TBN, his title:  "Chief-of-Staff" and he was responsible for personnel, accounting and financial affairs.

Brown - Ruth; older sister of Paul F. Crouch, a DIRECTOR of TBN and wife of A. Allan Brown.

Bruce - Barry, Atty, took over representation of Lenhart in the Lenhart vs. Fleeners lawsuit after Richard Ford was forced to vacate the case. He orchestrated the Settlement with Fleener’s insurance company on behalf of Lenhart who settled out of court for $80 K. Lenhart executed an Agreement for Dismissal With Prejudice. A statement included in the body of the agreement admitted that SHE HAD NO CASE.

Casoria - John B., Atty.; Nephew of Jan Crouch (a sister’s son) who represented Paul and Jan individually in defense of the copyright lawsuit. During Deposition of Sylvia Fleener, performed SERVICE during Sylvia’s deposition in Nashville, TN. of the West Virginia lawsuit styled Jollee Lenhart vs, Fleeners.

Coate - Charles, Atty; represented Matthew Crouch, Gen8, Providence Entertainment, the writers, et al, known and unknown, ad nauseam.

Charles - Lance; a.k.a. Lance Wubbles and/or Robert Hall, credited as being co-writer of the book The Omega Code with Paul Crouch, Sr.  Though supeoned as a witness, TBN could not or would not produce him, not information to find him.  He "signed" two declarations for TBN however which they did produce.

Craddock - James, former employee of Conway Twitty, was on the scene when TBN purchased the property at Hendersonville and continued to work there in maintenance. Introduced Sylvia to Becky White who led her to Jimmi Belknap-Dodd, Belknap informed Sylvia about Jay Tucker and Debra Thompson. He also introduced her to Deanne Caveness which led her to Kelly Whitmore.

Crouch - Paul Franklin; (b. 1934), married Janice Wendell Bethany 25 Aug, 1957, founded the TBN Network in 1973. DIRECTOR of TBN.  Paul Crouch died November 30, 2013.

Crouch - Janice Bethany, (b. 1937), co-founder with Paul Crouch Sr. of the TBN Network and a DIRECTOR of TBN

Crouch - Paul Franklin, Jr.; (b. 13 Mar, 1959 in Rapid City, South Dakota) older son of Paul and Jan Crouch, raised to be involved in TBN daily operations, performing duties from errand boy to camera man, a vice-president and secretary for the network. He was always interested in the technical side of cameras, broadcasting transmission equipment, satellites and computers. Until 2011 he oversaw all daily operations of TBN frequently hosting the network’s "Behind The Scenes" program.  To get things done he routinely circumvents his father's authority.

Crouch - Matthew Wendell; (b. 26 Oct 1961 in Muskeegan, Michigan).  A younger "love-child" of Jan Crouch, alledged to be the product of an affair with "Mr. America - 1954" Richard "Dick" Dubois.

Raised to also be involved in TBN daily operations. Demonstrated little interest in TBN though he traveled with Paul Sr. and for a time was a vice-president and secretary for the network.  He hosted a program on TBN for a time but separated from TBN to follow his own ambition.  Jan Crouch favers and protects Matthew in spite of his ineptness in business and common sense

FACT: Paul and Jan Crouch lived in Corona (see Lenhart and Ousley) for a number of years (around 10 years). They raised their children there, Jan is still a registered property owner there, were in business there, (he was an assistant pastor and part-time radio / tv personality, she a church teacher / counselor, served as president of PTA [Garretson Avenue School] and an active socialite, headed the Mayor’s Ball Committee for several years. Their oldest son, Paul, Jr. (b. 1959) married a Corona girl, Tawny Dryden.

Duff, - Pearl Jane, former TBN employee, former Director of TBN, former Board Member of TTI, later changed to National Minority Television, Inc., TBN's first minority-"controlled" corporation, formed to take advantage of the FCC's preferencial treatment of minority owned enterprises.  

Fleener - Sylvia, writer, entrepreneur, ordained minister.

Ford - Richard, Atty. represented Lenhart in the early stages of Lenhart vs. Fleener. He resigned the case when reprimanded by the West Virginia Bar for conflict of interest.

Green - Barton, screenwriter, employed by Matthew Crouch, he penned drafts of suggested plots for Matthew and Jan Crouch. He is a first cousin of L.C. Pannell.  Sylvia tried to have him removed from the list of defendents after talking to L.C. Pannell and determining that nothing Barton ever wrote in original found its way into The Omega Code.  Everything he "wrote for that project" was at the direction of his employers, yet he became their scapegoat.

Hickey - Terrance, long-time corporate secretary and business manager of Paul Crouch, TCCSA, TBN, et al. Manages the sensitive business and oversees the operations of departments, reports only to Paul Crouch, Sr.

Hope Manor (circa 1900) - A residential property on 190 acres in Union, West Virginia, purchased by the Fleeners in 1994, sold to Lenhart in 2000.

Lenhart - Jollee T, woman from Corona, CA., with an extensive litigation history in California and now also in West Virginia, who purchased Hope Manor from Fleener, then sued Fleener for being "a liar" about the house. Lenhart was represented by Richard Ford until he was almost disbarred when formal conflict of interest charges were leveled by Fleener. Lenhart was then represented by Barry Bruce, Atty.. Ford has been shown to have involvement with John Casoria, TBN attorney and nephew to Jan Crouch.

May - Colby N., Atty.; attorney with constant involvement in TBN affairs, particularly law and rules of the F.C.C., i.e. compliance, licensing, a congressional advisor to regulatory authorities. An "advisor" he attends but is generally silent during Crouch personal and TBN affairs to avoid "Conflict of Interest". Is the Washington, D.C. director of Jay Sekulow’s American Center For Law and Justice" which constantly monitors violations of religious rights and separation of church and state issues..

Ousley - Tamara: since 1994, a companion and co-habitator, with Jollee Lenhart, both in Corona, CA. and in Union, West Virginia. She also has an extensive litigation history in California and West Virginia.

Pannell - Cecilia, a former TBN volunteer, a former TBN choir member; Barton Green, first cousin of her husband, she is the alledged typist of the end-times story Barton was putting together at the direction of Jan Crouch. She was using part of the Tripp studios as an office for this work. Her husband follows.

Pannell - L.C., a former business associate (Sylvia Fleener was an investor in this project) who had undertaken establishing the first relay link, via satellite, based in Fort Worth, Texas, for coast-to-coast broadcasting for TBN & PTL.  He also assisted TBN in marketing of The Omega Code.

Quisenberry - Daniel J., Atty, represented Sylvia Fleener in her copyright infringement lawsuit over plagiarism by TBN, et al, of her original manuscript of The Omega Syndrome (c.1996). He coerced Sylvia into settlement, out of court, "not likely" to win any more than she was offerred and he was "genuinely concerned" that the rigors of trial would further impact her failing health.

Rawls - John C., Atty, represented Trinity Christian Center of Santa Ana, Inc. parent of TBN, in the copyright lawsuit.

Snow - Dottie, singer, minister, wife of Jimmy Snow, Nashville, TN. Acquainted with Jan Crouch and close friend of Sylvia Fleener. In a declaration stated that she personally hand-delivered a copy of Sylvia's manuscript to Jan Crouch.

Snow - Jimmy, minister, son of the late country music super star Hank Snow. Hosted the "Grand Ol’ Gospel Hour" for twenty three years. Early-on assisted Paul Crouch in the move to Hendersonville, TN. Separated association with the Crouches over business differences.

Tompson - Debra, former head of housekeeping services at Hendersonville, sued for wrongful dismissal, settled out of court.

Tripp - Laverne, musician and minister, leased a recording studio at Hendersonville from TBN during the time Jan Crouch was operating from there. 

Troobnick - Mark, Atty. a former staff lawyer in the offices of Colby N. May, Washington, D.C. Represented TBN in hearings with the FCC.  Orchestrated an attack against the Fleeners in the course of the copyright lawsuit.  Deceased prematurely of a heart condition.

Tucker - Jay, nephew of Becky White, alledgedly lived in the guest house at Newport Beach, traveled extensively with Paul Crouch, Sr.

Via - Patrick, Atty., initially consulted with Fleeners in the Lenhart vs. Fleeners lawsuit, attorneys for Farmer’s Insurance Company took the reins when liability coverage was validated.

Ward - Ralph, (a supervisor in the "gifts and donations processing" mail room) Ruth, (payroll personnel manager, accounting department, responsible for payrolls), Bruce, (computer operator and programmer); collectively filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit against TBN. Ruth Brown agreed with the Wards, but Paul Sr. said "NO" and the Wards were fired,  The issue was how payrolls and withholdings are handled at TBN.

White - Becky, a former TBN employee at Hendersonville and friend of Jimmi-Belknap Dodd, aunt of Jay Tucker.

Whitmore - Kelly, a former TBN employee (6 years), started as a volunteer, worked her way up to be Jan’s right hand in Hendersonville, TN., who became a witness in the copyright lawsuit, testifying that she carried Sylvia's manuscript around for months, for Jan, while Jan was trying to convince Paul they needed to make a movie out of it and that the then unemployed and on the outs with his father, Matthew should be in charge of production. She was divorced from Kent Whitmore after her separation from TBN.

Whitmore - Kent, still a TBN employee (since 1994 and a constant traveling companion and assistant to Paul Crouch, Sr.

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