Son of Jan Bethany Crouch's sister, Dorothy Bethany Casoria and affectionately referred and introduced by Jan Crouch
as "Johnny Boy".
The Jollee T. Lenhart vs. Sylvia Fleener lawsuit filed in West Virginia, which claimed Sylvia is a LIAR as she misrepresented
her home when she sold it to Lenhart, just as Sylvia was pursuing her own lawsuit against TBN. John
Casoria performed service for this suit on Sylvia during depositions in Nashville. This act alone should be proof of TBN's abuse
of process and represents an attack against Sylvia, trying to bury her with this suit, forcing her to spend money in her defense
and distract her, all perpetrated and orchestrated by TBN. For the rest of that story, see Lenhart
TBN is rolling in money through it's 40-year long flood of donations, it's tax exempt status, and routine insulation
of itself against inquiry by waving it's religious banner.
An excerpt from an interview follows
"TBN is a national marketing machine, just because of what we do," Casoria said. "We have the
ability, and have, and are doing, a lot of marketing through our television and broadcast facilities."
See also Matthew Crouch's assertion that TBN enjoyed the benefits of "unreported profits" on the Omega Code movie.