"He who has the gold, writes the rules" from the Deposition Testimonies of Barton Green and Stephen Blinn, screenwriters
for the Omega Code, when asked about Paul Crouch's input and influence in the writing of the screenplay.
Paul Crouch, Sr., the DICTATOR of the TBN family of companies, hoarded the assets and continual flood of donations
from supporters. He was deposed on June 8, 2000 in Nashville, Tennessee in the matter of Sylvia Fleener vs TBN, et al.
A significant point in the expressed opinion and statement of fact in
Paul Crouch, Sr.'s depositions and underscored throughout his management of the affairs of TBN is that only God can overrule his decisions.
"TBN's bylaws were amended in 1979 to provide that, whereas other directors
could be removed without cause, directors holding the office of president (i.e., Crouch) could only be removed for cause after
a hearing. The bylaws of most, but not all, of TBN's "owned and operated" stations have the provision treating Crouch differently
from other directors." See "Abuse of Process" catagory B, paragraph 52 from the FCC ruling for license denial.
Paul Crouch once stated on a "Behind-The-Scenes" broadcast that he
"would rule TBN from the grave". HE DIED NOVEMBER 30, 2013, the widow, Jan Crouch was immediately installed as the new
president, Matthew remains Vice President, Paul Junior is still "out" and the Crouch/Koper family lawsuits continue. As of
this writing (summer 2017), Paul Senior has not been heard from...
TCCSA, the 501c3, charitable organization that owns and operates the
TBN family of companies, furnished the money for the production of the film The Omega Code. TCCSA FURNISHED
THE MONEY, RIGHT? It is TCCSA's money, but Paul Crouch, Sr. is named as executive producer of the film and co-author of the book by the same name. He
personnaly collects royalties on all book sales, though in deposition he states he did not write it ( Publishing Contracts
for proof). Well, if all the money goes in one pot, what's the difference?
Paul Crouch wears many hats at "His TBN"; Founder, CEO, President, Director, published author, etc.,
and in his book "Hello World" he states on page 212 ...that Paul Crouch will NEVER EVER sell YOUR TBN".
On a telecast network program he bragged that he has it set up to run TBN from his grave.
He decides to make a movie, finds the money in a loan from himself, pays for the movie, uses the tax-exempt
network to advertise and promote the movie for his son's for profit corporation, gets himself named executive producer, decides that though the money isn't working out through theatrical release, tens
of millions are pouring in through contributions, so don't worry about paying back the donor's money he borrowed, just lie
about the profits (use Hollywood accounting: "no movie ever makes money") in a copyright lawsuit and keep on rolling.
REMEMBER the initial definition of the word INUREMENT?
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